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Monday, February 2, 2015

Photo Lab Test

I no longer offer a CD, flash drive, or digital download because of color variations in photo printers. To demonstrate, I ran my own test on one of my own personal images. This is my youngest child as a newborn. She was seven days old and still had some red marks on her face from delivery. All of my kids are born with a red strawberry birthmark on their forehead, between their eyes. I like to remember them the way they were, so I don't edit it out. For my little experiment, I ordered an 8x10 print from five different print labs to compare side by side. I was even shocked by the results! Because I'm not tech savvy, I couldn't figure out how to get the prints on my computer, so I scanned them in with my printer, leaving them just a hair overexposed compared to the prints. I have these at my house to show clients, if you'd like to stop by and compare for yourself!!

Professional Printing Lab that I use for all of my prints:

Snapfish: My pinkish baby is now looking like an alien baby!

Rite Aid: very saturated

Walgreens: Definitely one of the best prints in my test, but was very yellow. My baby looks like she has jaundice, which she didn't-she was the first one of my four kids that never had troubles with jaundice.

And finally, Walmart: I thought it was the worst print of the group.

Here they are all together: