slide show

Monday, February 27, 2017

Day 54: The Feed Row

Day 53: White Beard

This calf is by far my favorite! I have never seen white markings on a face like what he has. At first sight, I thought it was snow covering his face, but upon closer inspection saw that it is in fact white hair. I call him White Beard, just for fun! How cute is he?!!

Day 52: I See You

Cows are funny creatures to me-they are snoopier than cats and that's saying something! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Day 51: Puddles

The snow is melting really fast and in it's wake is nothing but lakes of water! It is the craziest thing ever!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Day 49 & 50: 623 & D46

These are just two of the bulls that are being offered for sale on March 17. It was a fun day spent in the rain trying to get 11 bulls to cooperate for their picture. These are my two favorite pictures. As I've said before, this doesn't get any easier! Hopefully next year will run smoothly! :)

Day 48: Mud Princess

No better place to play while mom takes pictures of bulls! Her boot came off without me knowing and she sat in the mud with her foot held up to keep her sock from getting dirty. I love how you can see Minnie Mouse very clearly on her sock! Boy did they have fun!!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Day 47: Creativity

This little girl of mine is constantly wanting to do a project-I run out of things for her to do! Today, it was foam art and she is very careful with how she does her work.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 46: Cold and Hungry

This baby lost his mama somewhere in the pasture, so he got to sit in front of the warm fire to warm up.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017

Day 44: Pairs

When a cow calves, we turn her out with the calf and they become what we call a "pair". This is one of the calving barns with pairs in the foreground. The last few days have melted a lot of south facing slopes on the mountains and bared a few fields. Seeing bare ground makes it feel like spring is just around the corner-we can wish, right?!!

Day 42 & 43: Moving Cows

The crew moved a group of cows to their calving grounds today. We are getting ready for the last two groups to start calving. Couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Day 41: Loading the Alleyway

Day 40: Peek-A-Boo

Cattle are funny to me! We worked bulls this weekend. I walked around the loading tub to snap a few pictures and this guy followed me. He wasn't tall enough to get his head all the way up to see me, just high enough for his eyes. It entertained my youngest for a while!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Day 39: Loving on the Baby

A baby calf was born in the muck and was really cold, so he was lucky and had a warm bath to wash him off and help warm him up. My youngest loved being able to love on him!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Day 38: Snow Ball

The sun is out and shining and finally softening the crusty snow that we've had. The kids have enjoyed making snowballs and snowmen.

Day 37: Baby Calves

They are the cutest things ever!! I love baby animals! It snowed last night and this morning and the baby calves were running around, enjoying themselves.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 36: What Once Was

My youngest two and I went along with the hubby to fix a little bit of fence. It was cold, so the two littles stayed in the pickup! While there, I noticed this section of old buck fence buried under a bunch of willows. It's made a nice bedding spot for deer, or cows who keep getting out of the fence! You can still see some barb wire hanging from the post. It's interesting to see nature take it's course.

Day 35: Bolly's Ears

You're going to see a lot of this pup! She has never had hair on her ears, which was always funny to me! All of a sudden, white fuzz has started to show up and it's the cutest thing ever! Apparently the winter cold has made her ears decide they are tired of freezing!!!

Day 34: Elk Herd on the Move

Feeding cows with my hubby, we watched this herd of elk move up the mountainside. It was crazy to see how fast they moved!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Day 33: Bolly

May I introduce the youngest member of our "wolf pack", as my husband calls his pack of dogs! I've tried several times to get a picture of her, but she is the most unphotogenic dog ever!! She's the cutest little thing, but as soon as I pull out my camera, she won't look at me! I absolutely love her coloring, especially contrasted against the snow.

Day 32: Calving

We are well under way into calving season this year. I love seeing all the baby calves!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Day 31: The Road Home

One thing about where we live, there are a lot of straight stretches of highway! I love roads and clouds and mountains-here's a picture of all three!!! :)

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Day 30: Groundhog Day

The groundhog saw his shadow today, so we have at least 6 more weeks of winter! I have to remind myself that no winter lasts forever, spring will be here before we know it! On the plus side of things, the temperature has started to warm up a little. Silver linings are sometimes hard to see, but they are there if we'll look for them.

Day 29: The Sick Pen

Everything gets sick, including cows. Must be the fun time of year because my family has been as well. I'm ready for warm weather!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day 28: Ripples in the Snow

I read an article today about changing our perspective, especially if we find ourselves shooting from the same level for every photo. The wind has been howling and I have tried to find a way to show how much snow looks like sand in the way that it ripples and changes. My ant's perspective!